Friday, May 17, 2024

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014

230 days ago, I left Ontario California on a journey to walk across the United States.
Today I reach my end point in Washington D.C.
The primary reason for the walk was to raise awareness for homeless veterans and veterans with behavioral health issues. In a time when veteran suicide is at an all time high, I felt like this was a positive way for me to combat the situation.
As I made my way across 12 states and encountered numerous people along the way, I saw first hand the effects of veteran hardship outside of my own community.
With each encounter, the walk became less about my own personal experience, but more of a collective effort to bring light to a harsh reality.
So as I take these final steps towards the capital building, there is a nation of people walking in spirit with me. A nation proud of its veterans. A nation as one.

Happy Veterans Day.

Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

Just wanted to give everyone a quick update:
I've made it to Herndon VA, and have been staying with a friend from the Marines while I try to arrange meetings and possible interviews for the end of the walk. As of right now I still need to contact some people but its looking good so far. I still cant believe Im 25 miles away from downtown DC. This has truly been an amazing experience and Im grateful for the help I have recieved to get me here.
If you have any ideas or inquires feel free to message me and I will try to get back to you in a timely manner.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28, 2014

I'm in Virginia. 
This past week has been pretty rough (hills), but I'm glad I'm out of the Appalachians and heading towards DC. It's crazy to think that yesterday was the 7 month mark of the trip, and I'm almost at my destination. With everything that's happened so far it was a bittersweet moment. There are still issues surrounding veteran welfare that have not been addressed, but hopefully once the walk is completed we can bring them to light. 
Thank you to the road angles who have helped me along the way, whether through words of encouragement, food, shelter, or donations. 

See you on the road. 

Saturday, October 25, 2014

October 25, 2014

These past couple says have been pretty challenging, mainly due to the hills, but it has also been very rewarding. I'm now in Maryland, meeting great people along the way, and seeing some amazing scenery along the way. Plus I got to talk to my mom yesterday on her birthday. I'm looking forward to seeing her in a couple weeks. 
Thank you to Jeff and Brenda Martin for housing me for the night after I made the trek up Uniontown mountain. I had a fantastic time getting to know you both, talking about the walk, and meeting your daughter and granddaughter. 
It's pretty cool knowing I'm almost done with the walk, but at the same time I'm not there yet which means I have to stay focused and continue taking it a day at a time. 
And with that, I'll see you on the road. 

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

October 22, 2014

Well Ive made it to Pennsylvania and I have to say, the area is extremely hilly. I know im approaching the mountains, and as long as I keep up this pace, I should be in Virgina before to long. There is about 200 miles left, so I really need to just remain focused and continue walking. 
Id like to thank all the road angels who continue to stop and talk with me, as well as giving me a place to sleep/ set up my tent for the night. 
Ray and Amy, thank you again for opening up your home to me and letting me relax for the day. It was a pleasure meeting you two. 

Its a pretty quick update today, but if you have any questions feel free to message me. 

Also, please continiue donating to the walk at Crowdrise Donation

See you on the road. 

Friday, October 17, 2014

October 17, 2014

I seem to be getting back into the groove of things. It's a really amazing sight to see the landscape change as I approach West Virginia and into the Appalachians. The leaves are also changing color which adds to the scenery that much more. 
The people I have encountered have been extremely welcoming and interested in what I'm walking for. Thank you to the road angels who continue to help me out with supplies and donations. Even though there's less than 300 miles till my goal, every little bit helps. 
I really can't thank you all enough, and hope to see more of you on the road.