Tuesday, November 11, 2014

November 11, 2014

230 days ago, I left Ontario California on a journey to walk across the United States.
Today I reach my end point in Washington D.C.
The primary reason for the walk was to raise awareness for homeless veterans and veterans with behavioral health issues. In a time when veteran suicide is at an all time high, I felt like this was a positive way for me to combat the situation.
As I made my way across 12 states and encountered numerous people along the way, I saw first hand the effects of veteran hardship outside of my own community.
With each encounter, the walk became less about my own personal experience, but more of a collective effort to bring light to a harsh reality.
So as I take these final steps towards the capital building, there is a nation of people walking in spirit with me. A nation proud of its veterans. A nation as one.

Happy Veterans Day.


  1. My fiancé and I just saw you on our run at the W&OD trail. Congratulations! What a journey it must have been. You're an inspiration to us all!!

  2. I just passed by you about 5 minutes ago at the East Falls Church metro station and I really wish I knew who you were and of your epic journey before this. I read a couple posts and it already put a huge smile on my face and will be definitely going back and following your journey from the beginning. All I can say is congratulations and great work for the trek you've made so far and best wishes for the rest of your journey. You're almost there man. Good luck!!!

  3. So eloquently said my friend. You are amazing. I have been watching and keeping tabs on you since the day I met you with my daughter and grandchildren. My own husband is a retired Army Ranger/Special forces and suffers everyday, I pray for you and for this journey you have taken in the name do all. Semper Fi

  4. Be sure to post on Instagram. Love to see your face

  5. Happy Veterans' Day! We are so proud of you. You have gone so far and done so much! We miss you!

  6. Am a little late, but it is still Veterans' Day in Cali. Just want to say thank you for you service, but more so for taking this journey and thinking of your fellow veterans. This trip had to be awesome and reading all the positive and caring remarks made me feel a little better about our country. Glad you stayed safe. A lot of prayers have been said for you.
