Friday, April 18, 2014

April 15, 2014

Nights like this make it all worthwhile. Laying under the stars, watching the moon slowly rise into the sky, how blessed I am. Tonight is a full moon; prior to her arrival, I spent a good portion of the evening searching the sky for her. Every time my eyes peered above the mountain ridge, I grew more and more impatient. This wasn't like her, standing me up. Had I been duped into believing she would even show? She had to... right? It wasn't until 8:10pm that I noticed the outline of a hilltop. Light was cascading from every direction. 
I smiled and readied myself for her grand entrance. No longer hidden, I felt a sense of bewilderment. What should I do? Am I allowed to marvel at such beauty? Photos and words can not describe how elegant her ascension was. I lay here in awe, hoping she won't pass to quickly. 


  1. Nate, your poetic skills are amazing and transport me to where you are eagerly longing for the same moon for which you wait with such anticipation and wonderment. You help me to see that even in the midst of strife and difficulty, life can still be good. God bless you for your journey which has such purpose.

  2. Yes, poetic. Your words are like an artists brush painting a beautiful picture for others to enjoy.
