Before recounting my previous days trek I want to let you know about a couple things.
A major factor of this walk was to shine light on how many Veterans are suffering, and how little is being done to help them.
An estimated 22 Veterans were committing suicide daily.
1,892 since the beginning of this year.
Yes, January 1st, 2014.
Today, I became aware of the Suicide Prevention of Americas Veterans Act, a new bill that will combat suicide in a huge way.
- Reviews potentially improper discharges that may have been due to a mental health injury so that vets can get full access to the care they earned.
- Reviews suicide prevention programs in DoD and VA to see what is working and what is not.
- Mandates that DoD and VA finally develop fully interoperable records so that no vet gets lost in transition.
- Mandates that vets must be able to download their electronic health record so that they can get seamless care anywhere.
- Recruits more mental health care professionals into DoD and VA to improve availability of care. (Pilot program in place to pay back Student Loans to eligible Psychiatrists).
- Mandates that DoD and VA buy the same prescription drugs so that care between systems is more seamless.
If you were to do anything, please call your member of congress and voice your opinion about how important this act is.
It feels good knowing there are others out there raising attention for this cause.
Things continue to get better and better.
Just like last night sleeping at an RV park in Beaumont.
Waking up to that desert sun cooking me in my tent was a feeling i thought id saved for the Polo Fields in Indio. I had better get used to them. That, or wake up a bit earlier than 9am.... Dilemas.
I liked the solidarity of todays walk. With every passing day i become so much more acccoustomed to my own thoughst and perception of reality. Irts a strange experience, but i find it rather intruiging.
I do enjoy how the further into the desert I get, the friendlier people have become. While on my way to the Library of Banning, I was stopped by a group of teenagers curious as the where I was walking. When I said Washington DC, they all made noises in shock and threw an array of questions my way, ranging from Why don't I fly? What if a bear attacks me? What am I doing for food? Can they walk with me?
While these quetsions were so simple i felt a bit overwhelmed. The enthusiasum and curiosity in their voices was awesome. They also gave me advice on how to get through the reservation and taking the road south of the 10 into Palm Springs.
I handed my card so they could check my blog and after a couple more questions, headed on my way.
The library was know diffrent. I was given a bit of info on taking the Oregon Trail from here, and I might do that. There are houses along the path for people to reload on water, shower and shave. That sounds a bit more appealing than my original plan. Im gonna do a bit more research into it, and make a decision when im a bit more informed.
As for now, I gotta go figure out about my sleeping arrangements. I haven't showered since Friday, and I smell a bit funky. :-(
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