Monday, May 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

There's something extremely therapeutic about being on a trail. Your focus is shifted from the stresses of life, and reassigned to seeing everything it has to offer. Not only do you become more in tune with your surroundings, you discover where your place in it all is.   I'm currently in Prescott Valley, and to say the walk from Lake Pleasant to here was challenging would be an understatement. The terrain had changed from flat valleys to rigid rocky hills. While the air has become less dry and arid, it has been replaced with a cool sharp wind that seems determined to hold me stagnant. Oddly enough, I've enjoyed it. The moments I've felt tested have only brought me closer to my goal. I learn more about myself each day. I also learn more about others as well. From a group of friends at Bumble Bee ranch who shared their night and morning with me, to being handed two ice cold beers at the end of a trail; the amount of positivity is outstanding. I really don't have much to say today, except Thank You. You all are playing a huge part in my daily success. Thank You. 


  1. Keep it up Nathaniel! I check your blog daily and you are doing inspire me :)

  2. The same for everybody here in Washington State.We too check your blog every day to see what's new. My six children are your mother's first cousins which makes you a first cousin once removed to them. Ouch, maybe not important, but they are your blood relatives, so family members though you've never met each other. Anyway, Nate, we all love you and hope you are well on this huge venture of yours which is very important to bring national attention to the reprehensible condition of the Veteran's Administration to meet the physical and mental needs of our veterans to whom we owe so very much.
