Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4, 2014

An eventful week has caused me to delay the post until now. Given my personal goal of reaching Phoenix by Friday, I set out from Wickenburg on Wednesday afternoon. Traveling along the 60 seemed easier. I spent a good portion of the afternoon just taking in the scenery, processing each step I took. Eventually I passed morrisey own and found myself approaching a place called Circle City. From what I'd seen on google maps it looked like a fairly quiet town. There was a park directly in the center that looked like a place I could set up my tent. I headed over, and had a couple conversations with some residents. They all seemed quite interested in what I was doing, and eager to read about my trip so far. Unfortunately, the park area was not the best option for me to stay at, but I was informed on there being a shell station that played host to truck drivers sleeping through the night. Eventually I made it to the station, and set my tent up some ways from the trucks. Apparently it wasn't far enough, which than caused a dilemma for myself and the drivers. Add to that high winds, desert dust, and you have a recipe for disaster. I managed to make it through the night after changing positions a couple times. In the morning light I saw the perfect place I could have used. Ehh. 
The gas station was a good Galway point from Wickenburg and my next stop of Peoria, so I got ready and headed out. The local sheriffs department happened to be cycling from the same area, though no one could tell me what for. Ironically they had no problem telling me to move when they approached the bike lane. 
I had to get out of there fast. 
After a couple hours, and one trip by the VA office in Surprise, I'd reached Peoria. Prior to my arrival at Guillermo's house, I stopped by the library. On my way I passed a 150 miles indicator and was bought dinner by Riley, Adam, and Kim. Then, Harley appeared and took a selfie with me. He too donated to the cause. I met Guillermo and his family, who are truly one of a kind for letting me stay over. 
Friday I reached Phoenix. 
I met up with my cousin Callie at ASU, who showed me around the downtown area, introduced me to her peers, as well as showed me the floor to take a nap. I ended up sleeping the whole night through. 
Saturday was spent moving her out of the room. Me and my Uncle Rich finished it pretty quickly. Think it was 20 minutes tops getting everything out...... I hope you can sense my sarcasm. I'll just say 20 minutes was grossly inaccurate. Noticing that my Nike free runs were in their last leg of life, uncle Rich took me get a sturdier lightweight neutral trail shoe. I'm excited to put them to work tomorrow. 
I found out Sunday that my friend who lived in Phoenix now lives in Surprise. Instead of backtracking the path already walked I received a ride to his place. It was a surreal experience seeing the places you've walked, pass by from the seat of a car. I got to Boothes place and caught up with him. Everyone is doing well here. It's a good change of pace. 


  1. Hello nate. I don't know if you remember me but I have met you before through Mary Jane. Lol
    I'm truly blown away by this. I am keeping you in my prayers. Be safe out there bro. God bless you.

  2. Very exciting to see your post. Where are you heading next? --Mom
