Monday, September 8, 2014

September 8, 2014

There is less than 1000 miles left in the walk and to be quite honest, it's a bit nerve wrecking. I've had multiple people ask me what I plan to do, or who I intend to talk with when I reach Washington DC. Numerous ideas have floated in and out, but as of right now nothing is set in stone. I do like the idea of ending the walk at the Iraq/Afghanistan memorial with my anticipated date of arrival being November 11th. That gives me the next two months to figure out some more of the details. I am open to suggestion if anyone has an idea or someone I should get in contact with. 
For the next couple days I will be continuing on highway 6. The shoulder has widened out a bit between Newton and Grinnell, but not by much. 
I'm hoping this weather allows me to cover the distance needed between here and Iowa city in a relatively short time. 
Thank You too all the road angels who have stopped and supported me these past couple days. 
A special thank you to Cameron and Dakota for what can only be called true kindness. I'm glad I was able to meet you two and see parts of Iowa I would have missed had we not spoken. 
I was especially thankful for being able to see "The Freedom Rock" in Menlo IA. Artist Ray Sorensen has captured the struggle many veterans are facing today with an iconic image that resonated with me very deeply. I look forward to seeing his continued work every year. 
Thank you again for reading and if you would like to donate to the walk please visit 

See you on the road. 

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